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There’s one magical secret ingredient I mention often that I think most people miss:


People want quick and easy gratification, but transformative change is slow and gradual with occasional, usually unexpected, bursts of growth.

And if you’re interested in changing and growing and having more fun, the smoothest, most reliable way is to PRACTICE.


Think your life is dull and boring?

Practice having fun. Practice being excited.

Think you’re stupid?

Practice being smart.

Think you’re arrogant?

Practice being humble.

Think you’re weak?

Practice being strong.

Think you’re socially hopeless?

Practice being socially engaged.

Want to be a more magical person?


Whoever you practice being is generally pretty close to who you gradually become.



One of the secrets to practicing well is to ACCEPT your “failures” as learning experience. Notice ways you can practice better next time and then let go of the “failure”. After all, you don’t “get good” without spending plenty of time failing at it. Acceptance is a principle I talk about often as well, but I’ll save it for a future post.

Quite often people intimidate themselves by wondering where to start. But, since you are unpracticed, it doesn’t matter where you start.

So start anywhere.

As you practice, you’ll improve enough to discover potentially “better” places to try starting next time.

If you are willing to accept, study, and learn from your “failed” attempts, practice will get you everywhere you want to go (or, more accurately, somewhere better than what you wanted). I consider it the best attitude adjustment you can make.

And if you asked me, I’d suggest building most of your habits and routines around this principle.

Practice doesn’t “make perfect”, because “perfect” is a silly abstract idea that encourages focusing on the “future” instead of the NOW where everything is happening. But if you need a carrot to chase, keep in mind that Practice will radically improve your life exponentially, often in ways that you can’t imagine yet.

Yes, you should probably practice that, too.
