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People Often Ask Me About Letting Go

“Zoon, how can I let go?”

It’s not as hard as it may sound.

If you are experiencing a major change, you’ll want to dissolve old traumas first.

The “actually letting go” part is pretty simple and not as difficult as the anxiety that often accompanies this decision can make it out to be.

In my Zoon Cards, the process of letting go aligns with the Mic Drop card. The reason for this is that I haven’t found an easier analogy.

We experience a need to let go when the noise in our heads (compulsive thoughts or emotions, in judgment or fear) seemingly “force” us into compulsively worrying or confusing ourselves, usually involving a challenge or challenging topic.

The explanation my card provides is this: imagine that the chattering voice in your head is an annoying DJ who won’t shut up. You snatch the microphone from this entity, hold it out and away from you, and simply drop it.

No force, no rationalizations, no justifications (you can’t cure compulsive thinking with more thinking), and no struggle. Simply drop the mic. Let it go.

Obviously, if the noise surrounds a serious challenge, topic, or trauma, you have a lot more work to do because simply dropping it will offer temporary relief, but the problem won’t go away until you’ve dissolved it.

That said, if you’re doing the dissolving work but feeling overwhelmed and have to function in the world with other people, the Mic Drop can provide temporary relief.

Also, this is a great technique for making meditation more effective. If you are doing a mindfulness/awareness -type meditation and you’re letting your thoughts and feelings out and it becomes too overwhelming to continue, a quick mic drop can wipe the slate and then you can pick up where you left off.

As with meditation itself, my Mic Drop technique works better with practice.

If you noticed that you did the dissolving work and you’re practicing the Mic Drop and yet some problems still persist, then you’re ready for the next important life change practice: Habit Engineering.

I will explain Habit Engineering in my next post. It’s the fine art of “getting it right”.

Until next time, remember:

We can do it!
